Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

Real Property/3 day pay or quit notice

Are there any legal terms that must be included? Can I serve this notice to anyone other than the lessee? For example the receptionist at the lessee's job?

Asked on 8/08/07, 5:04 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Real Property/3 day pay or quit notice

There are a number of sample forms available on the internet. Use one of the search engines.

You must let tenant know where, and to whom, payment may be accepted.

If you cannot serve tenant directly, you can mail, post, or give it to any person over 18 at the leased premises.

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Answered on 8/08/07, 6:13 pm
George Shers Law Offices of Georges H. Shers

Re: Real Property/3 day pay or quit notice

Landlord tenant law can be very tricky; you questioin implies you know very little about it.Are you subject to rent control, is it more than a thirty day month to month tenancy, tenant complain to any health officals about living conditions, if they have paid their rent do you have another basis to evict them or should you go for a thirty day eviction, have they lived there over two years, etc.? If you do not see why all of those factors have to be examined first before you try any service, then you are asking for trouble doing this yourself.

Would you wnat someone to come to your place of work to serve you with a legal paper that made it appear you had sone something wrong instead of them just coming to your apartment? Would you want to get back as such a "jerk?"

Go to the local law library and read some of the Nolo Press and other landlord books there; go to a local attorney who represents landlords.

And no, no Latin legal words must be included. Only after you have made several reasonable attempts to serve the tenant [various time of the day that you honestly believe she might be there] can you try to serve her by leaving the Summons and Complaint with an adult person you can reasonably believe will pass the papers on to her [17 year old cute girls who are placed out front].

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Answered on 8/08/07, 6:15 pm

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