Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California
I received$ a 60-day notice to vacate the premises. i have to be out by march 15, 2017. in their rental termination letter- they reminded me to pay half months rent-- $635.00-- when i moved in 13 years ago, i paid a total of $995.00-- first months rent and$995.00-- security and pet deposit-total of $1,990.00. can they subtract the half months rent from my deposit?
Asked on 2/28/17, 12:08 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
They can if you don't pay it. Unless a deposit or part of it is designated "last months rent," however, or they agree you can pay it that way, you will be in breach of your rental contract and they can report that to credit agencies as non-payment of rent.
Answered on 2/28/17, 9:26 am