Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California
renters rights
living in Burbank, my landlord is
having the bathroom remodeled, we
have now been w/o a working
shower, toilet and bathroom sink.
Our old toilet has been placed in the
guest bedroom and is just sitting
there. Its been a little over 3 wks
now. Is all of this supposed to be this
way? Doese my landlord have to
provide bathroom facilities? Are we
able to deduct from this particular
mos. rent? plse help.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: renters rights
Yes, the landlord is required to provide and maintain the basics of a habitable living unit, including a working plumbing system. Your have a right to "deduct and repair," the first step of which is a demand letter which spells out your intent to pay someone else to fix the various plumbing items and deduct from your next month's rent. That may be enough to grab your landlord's attention.
I recommend you go to the following website (just "cut and paste" in the address on your browse address line):
It provides a step-by-step guide for usng the "repair and deduct" procedure.