Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California
Residential One-Year Lease
I have a written, one-year lease with my tenant that expires 8-31-08. I just received an email from him saying he's going to be moving out 6-6-08 and intends to honor the lease, but would like me to find another tenant, if possible , so he can save some money. My question: can I require any ''early'' tenant, who otherwise qualifies (same income level, etc. as the current tenant) to sign a 15-month minimum lease (at the current rent) so I get the benefit of my bargain (1 year lease) with the tenant who wants to leave early? - thanks!
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Residential One-Year Lease
You are welcome. "Thanks", on this site are few and far between.
You do not have to make a lease for month-to-month,6 months, 12 months etc.
A lease is a contract requiring "meeting of the minds".