Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

Smoking neighbors

In our case, the couple downstairs

both smoke. They've been told it's

annoying. The management said

that they said they want to smoke

on their balcony (perhaps to keep

the stuff from stinking up their own

place) and there's nothing that can

be done about it. This smoke of

theirs floods in our windows

everytime they're out there. The

smell is so strong that it's like they're

actually inside our apartment! We've

been choked during sleep, gagged

during meals, the whole place smells

like an ashtray, etc. It's reached the

oint where we can't open the

windows anymore. If we don't have

to be subjected to this noxious crap

in a restaurant or even a bar, why

should we have to put up with being

bombarded with it in our own home?

If they're stupid enough to inhale

this poisonous garbage that's fine.

But do we really have to put up with

it, too? Shouldn't the smokers have

to smoke inside and keep THEIR

windows shut? Or do the ones

poisoning themselves have more

rights that those of us who just want

to breathe fresh air?

Asked on 10/14/07, 4:50 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Smoking neighbors

You are in a difficult spot. (I happen to agree with you, as my wife smokes, I do not, and I keep banishing her to outside the house).

The problem is there are laws against it in buildings, restaurants, etc., but not outside, or in your own home.

Management cannot do anything, and, legally neither can you, other than to move.

I suggest you ask them politely if they will keep the smoke inside.

There are a lot of things the law SHOULD do, but does not. You won't get anywhere legally, so work out other options.

Sorry! I agree with you, but as a lawyer, I cannot help you.

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Answered on 10/14/07, 5:03 pm

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