Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California
Statute of Limitations--Unlawful Eviction
This happened in L.A. City Limits. The co-owner of a house rented to me and a year later asked me to move out because she said she was selling it. Months later I found out she never sold it. She moved back in. Does she owe me relocation expenses? This happened in 2003. Is it too late to file a suit on this? Having to move suddenly like that cost me nearly $5,000. I had to borrow money I have not been able to repay. Can this be a civil case, or do I have take it to Small Claims Court?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Statute of Limitations--Unlawful Eviction
Sounds like fraud and violation of rent control. If your lease had a term longer than one year, it's fraud. And if you're in a rent controlled area, it violates the LA Rent Stabilization Ordinance. If you were on a month to month basis, you may have a hard time suing the LL. However, if your notice was not proper, you may be entitled to some damages. Good luck.