Legal Question in Legal Ethics in California

Lawyer change-up at last minute, and I don't like it

In the middle of my 3 1/2 year P.I. case (auto / big rig with insurance cap750K to 1M), my Attorney says he's decided to retire, ...but ''don't worry'', the old partner is coming out of retirement, and out of state to'' finish up''. I find out weeks later, my attorney HAD to retire, or face a Bar Investigation and fines for some un-ethical business practices...? Now I'm (age 50) stuck with this old coger, who's pretty pissed off that he has to even come in to clean up this mess, complains out loud about not wanting to pay for this ''stupid trial'', the experts, ...and that my 200k medical liens are high...(my fault, I'm hearing). I've had two knee sugeries, two epiderals, two cervical injections, and am being recommended for cerv. disc surgery. My legs and back will always be hurting from any extended time walking, sitting, or standing. And after 2 failed mediations, he wants me to think about their recent 250K offer, and maybe an arbitratration with a 250-750 cap. I'm thinking, I better keep heading to trial, because this old dog wants to sell me down the river, and go home.

What's it that look like from there?

Asked on 3/30/09, 4:23 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Re: Lawyer change-up at last minute, and I don't like it

I dont know because I dont know the issues, or how the accident happened. Is liability crystal clear? If so, then why wont they settle costs plus pain and suffering? I think you have options, but as far as your choices of attorneys, and litigation, there are no guarantees.


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.


No attorney-client nor confidential relationship is created through this communication. You may not rely in any way on this communication, and nothing herein constitutes legal advice nor legal opinion. Your issue may be time sensitive and may result in loss of rights if you do not obtain an attorney immediately.

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Answered on 3/31/09, 12:25 am

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