Legal Question in Legal Ethics in California

Privacy and confidentiality

I run a business and do business with an advertising company in order to generate business. During a negotiation of renewal, I mentioned that I may not be able to renew our ad. The rep for the ad company began to discuss different size ads and different ad prices. I again mentioned that it may not happen, she asked why and said let's see what we can do. Next thing you know, a customer comes in asking the manager all these questions and then starts telling her all my personal financial business. Turns out that he does business with the same ad company and the same rep. My staff overheard and began to worry, questioning if they should begin to look for another job. Other customers overheard and were wondering if they should look for another place to do business because they did not want to be stuck with last minute searches.

Anyway, this is the base of the story. Can anyone tell me what to do, where to go or even what type of attorney I can get to help me out. When she asked me about my financial situation, it was to help me clear up an existing bill with the company and be able to begin a new ad. I had no idea that she wanted the information to try to hurt my business.

Asked on 3/12/08, 7:31 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: Privacy and confidentiality

Ditto to Mr. Lee's answer.

This is far too confusing. Take your time, and be clear.

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Answered on 3/15/08, 6:55 pm
Clayton Lee Russakow, Ryan & Johnson

Re: Privacy and confidentiality

Please re-submit with clearer facts. Who is this "manager" you speak of? Please make the antecedent(s) of "she" and "her" more clear. It's not obvious from what you've posted who exactly has done what to you.

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Answered on 3/12/08, 8:10 pm

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