Legal Question in Medical Malpractice in California

My wife passed away and was ruled as an accident by the corner due to methadone toxicity. I have a whole life policy and an accidental death rider. there are 8 disqualifies for the rider and number 4 states sickness mental or physical, disease, medical treatment or surgery and number 6 states Voluntary taking drugs, unless prescribed by a duly lanced DR.

The ruling was that she died due to the methadone toxicity and was under a Dr.'s care and it was the prescription that killed her. Because line 6 stated about drugs I would think that it overrides numb 4 as a treatment it was not the counseling that killed her. do you have any idea if This death would be under line 6 or 4

Asked on 12/04/10, 6:16 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Please send me your policy to review, as well as the medical information. You may have a case if you act in time.


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.

[email protected]


The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi, APLC

870 Market Street, Suite 1161

San Francisco CA 94102

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Answered on 12/09/10, 8:32 am

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