Legal Question in Personal Injury in California
I'm an about-to-graduate college student, and I'm being sued for $1.3 million in damages for an accident that I was involved in. If I liquidated all of my assets, I might be able to come up with $15,000. What happens in the event the suit goes through, and the plaintiff is awarded the full amount?
3 Answers from Attorneys
I need much more information than what is contained in this post.Did you have insurance? If so how much? That is only for starters.
Your best hope is to have a smart attorney take a quick look to see if the suit can be defended or avoided. I would have to look at the allegations and hear your side. Then, maybe there is a way to get out of it, or defend. Otherwise, if they get a judgment against you, they could collect on it possibly for the rest of your life, garnishing wages and liening your property and bank accounts.
Daniel Bakondi, Esq.
The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi
870 Market Street, Suite 1161
San Francisco CA 94102
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