Legal Question in Personal Injury in California

car accident

I was driving down the free- way and this jerk decides that he is going to start going the wrong way on the free- way and hits me head on! How does all of this work? do they atomatically give you $ for pain and sufferin?

Asked on 4/12/07, 11:47 am

3 Answers from Attorneys


Re: car accident

Nothing comes automatically. First find out if the other guy had insurance. If so, make a claim with his insurance company. Itemize and document your property damage, medical expenses and loss of earnings. Be prepared to document what your injuries are, and how long you have had pain from them. You have 2 years to resolve your claim or to file a lawsuit to protect the statute of limitations.

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Answered on 4/28/07, 8:11 pm
Jonathan Stein Law Offices of Jonathan G. Stein

Re: car accident

You need to make sure there is a police report. Then file a claim with his insurance company. Go to the doctor. Get better. Get your records and bills. Send them to the adjuster with a demand. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, sign anything they send you. They will not automatically give you money for pain and suffering. They will probably fight you.

You can get my free report on the steps of a personal injury case by emailing me and asking for it at [email protected]

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Answered on 4/30/07, 11:00 pm
Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: car accident

You should also file a claim with your own insurance carrier. Your policy might have a medical pay provision so some of your bills could be paid. Your carrier or insurance agent should help you with filing the necessary written report with the DMV.

Please let me know if I may be of assistance.

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Answered on 4/30/07, 11:50 pm

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