Legal Question in Personal Injury in California

car accident

I was driving through an intersection and was hit by a school bus turning left. My car was totaled and I was transported to the hospital. The policeman came to the hospital and told me, ''usually I wouldn't say you were right or wrong but the was a guy on a bike that said the bus had a green light''. I told him I think at that intersection the green arrow goes on to turn left and then disappears. The green light for ongoing traffic comes on, so doesn't the bus driver have to yield to me? He said I should go to court and plead not guilty and maybe the witness wouldn't show up and it would be thrown out. I got a citation If the court finds me guilty of going through the red light, can I get the bus company to still pay my medical bills?

Asked on 9/13/07, 3:14 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert L. Bennett Law offices of Robert L. Bennett

Re: car accident

It is difficult to answer this without more information.

The police report usually, but not always, carries some weight.

Green, however, does not mean go. It means proceed with caution, and whether the witness on the bike shows or not, it is hard to determine his testimony. Police officers are far from infallible.

You should go to court (I am assuming you are referring to traffic court) and fight the ticket.

Also, as to your last question, frequently the insurance company for the other party (in this case the bus company) bears some or equal responsibility for the injuries, and damages, and ends up paying some, or most of the bills.

You need to retain a personal injury attorney to go over your options with you. If you had insurance, your insurance company will appoint an attorney to defend you at no charge.

Please feel free to e-mail, or call, my office, if you need more.

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Answered on 10/24/07, 6:19 pm
Mitchell Roth MW Roth, Professional Law Corporation

Re: car accident

Who knows. Fight the ticket. Hire a lawyer in the PI case who will fight the ticket for your as well.

You must give the city a Notice of claim within 6 months of the accident or find yourself barred by the statute of limitations.

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Answered on 10/25/07, 12:57 am

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