Legal Question in Personal Injury in California

I hired a contingency lawyer for an automobile accident. After meeting with him and him telling me he could win the case he proceeded to send me to a "few" of his doctors for xrays, even though I already had them through my insurance. After he sent me for my MRI ( which they refused to use my insurance to cover this) he dropped my case. I didnt even hear this through him , but through one of the medical Drs. I am now being harrased for a 3000.00 medical bill which was supposed to be contingent to begin with. It is now on my credit report. Is there anything I can do since he racked up my bills with his Drs. and then dropped my case.?

Asked on 12/28/09, 11:43 am

4 Answers from Attorneys

Steven Kuhn Steven Kuhn

There are many issues involved here. 1st is why did he drop your case? 2nd is why didn't he try to get you to have MRI and other medical care through your medical insurance. Once I have answers to these questions I can give you a better answer.

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Answered on 1/02/10, 11:49 am
Norman Gregory Fernandez, Esq. The Law Offices of Norman Gregory Fernandez & Associates

You should call me for a free consultation on your car accident case at 800-816-1529 x1. My law firm handles car accident cases all over the State of California. You can read about these types of on my website at . You may also email me directly at .

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Answered on 1/02/10, 2:21 pm
Melvin C. Belli The Belli Law Firm

.You should immediately find replacement counsel, and your new attorney should call the MRI people and tell them to back off since they probably agreed to treat you on a lien basis. Getting treatment on a lien basis doesn't mean that you don�t have to pay the bill it just means that they usually wait until you get a settlement. If you are not getting a settlement then you need to call the MRI people and tell them that your former lawyer screwed up and see what you can work out with them. Usually they will negotiate their bill and if you have insurance they may now be willing to take it if you have little money. Again sounds like something went wrong here and you should find another attorney ASAP.

Hope that helps and happy new year.


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Answered on 1/03/10, 12:59 am
Bryan C. Becker Your Lawyer for Life.

Mr. Belli is correct. Seek the assistance of a new attorney as soon as possible. While personal injury law is my most rewarding practice, its stories like these that give credence to the prevalent "ambulance chaser" view of plaintiff trial attorneys. Our firm goes out of our way to change this perception. Give me a call and we can discuss your case and how we can go about helping you out.

All the best,


Becker Attorneys

Your Lawyer for Life

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Answered on 1/06/10, 4:41 pm

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