Legal Question in Personal Injury in California

To settle or to court, that is the question!

Well I will get right to it. About 9 months ago I was in a car accident where I was rearended, and then I hit the vehicle in front of me. I had a Chevy Malibu and the bumper in the back was hanging down in the rubbing against my tires... yea it was off pretty much. Now I went to the emergency room on my own because I had pain in my back and shoulder. The insurance company of the gal that hit me tried to settle right away and offer me something like 550 dollars. So needless to say I went to an attorney. I started medical treatment for a soft tissue damage in my back and went for about 6 months. During this time My car was totaled out by the girls insurance company, my car had more damage than what was viewable before really checking it out. Okay so now its time to settle for my injury and I just feel like the insurance company is offering crap and I want to make sure I do the right thing. Go to court or not go to court. I sustained about 5700 dollars in med bills, and they have come up to an amout of 6300 to be slpit into thirds between myself, my attorney and the med bills. My attorney is telling me they are not going to come up on the value but They originally offered 4700 dollars. What should I ask for when & if I go to court?

Asked on 4/27/07, 7:16 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: To settle or to court, that is the question!

For soft tissue injury, no doubt the defendants will argue that you overtreated. That's the standard line these days. I can't tell you what you should ask for. Ask your own attorney and trust his/her competence.

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Answered on 5/04/07, 10:20 pm
Jonathan Stein Law Offices of Jonathan G. Stein

Re: To settle or to court, that is the question!

Listen to your attorney. Without knowing all of the facts, no one can tell you what your case is worth. You hired the attorney for a reason. If you do not trust him/her now, then go get a second opinion.

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Answered on 5/05/07, 4:36 pm

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