Legal Question in Personal Injury in California
vehicle accident
I was driving my fathers car from work, on a highway, and a car crossed in front of me, I hit him. CHP says it was his fault. I have a suspended license, will i still be eligible to have my necessary medical bills covered? Both cars are insured.
4 Answers from Attorneys
Re: vehicle accident
The answer is yes. What are your injuries ans how much are your bills? Do you want legal counsel here? My email is:
Re: vehicle accident
Yes. You are eligible to have your medical bills covered. The suspension of your license is not even admissible in court to prove negligence or comparative fault. Feel free to get in touch with my office should you have any additional questions or concerns.
Re: vehicle accident
In motor vehicle collisions in California, whether or not the victim had a valid driver's license is irrelevant to the victim's right to recover compensation from the party at fault. However, the victim driver must have proof of valid liability insurance covering the collision in order to recover "non-economic" damages, such as pain and suffering, from the party at fault. Many times, an unlicensed driver is specifically named as an excluded driver on the vehicle owner's policy, precluding coverage when the unlicensed driver drives the vehicle.
Re: vehicle accident
Yes: the suspended license is more of an administrative issue and has no bearing on fault--although the other ins. co. could try to use it against you. If the suspension was for something other than bad/reckless driving, it won't matter.