Legal Question in Real Estate Law in California
Back Yard Trees Blocking View
I live on a street where myself and my adjacent neighbors have a view to the West of the ocean. The neighbors behind us are considerably lower and have no ocean view. Their trees have grown to a level where our view is being partially blocked. They have stated it is okay if we want to trim their trees at our expense. A couple of my neighbors have done so with their rear neighbors.
A friend told me about a legal case where a judge ruled in favor of a homeowner who had his view blocked. Stating the blocking of the view affected the properties value, and ordered the neighbor to keep their trees at a level which would not block the view. Is this true? Or, Is there another way of working this out where we can share the cost of tree topping, or have the neighbors accept their responsibility, and maintain their plants at a proper level?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Back Yard Trees Blocking View
you can always try to negotiate but if they have offered to let you trim the trees at your expense that will be a lot cheaper than going to court.