Legal Question in Real Estate Law in California
How do I fill out a answer on a legal detainer correctly before 5 days ?
3 Answers from Attorneys
Consult an attorney to determine what legal defenses you think you might have. Look at .
Everything is rather straight forward except what legal defenses you might have; you can read at the library Nolo Press books on the typical tenant defenses. Without knowing any of the facts, none of the attorneys on this site can tell you anything more.
I agree; properly answering the questions and supplying the information on the Judicial Council answer form is highly fact-sensitive. Using a lawyer should be relatively cheap and more certain and effective, but there are also commercial UD-paperwork assistance services in most bigger cities, where you can have a law clerk or paralegal assist you. Their competence varies. Don't be talked into putting any fibs onto a document you're going to sign and file in court, however.