Legal Question in Real Estate Law in California

I have a friend who owns a single wide mobile home. She has it at a friend's property, where she lived for two years. There was no lease or any contract ever formed between the landowner and my friend. The landowner (her friend) kicked her off the property 4 months ago because of a fall out in the friendship. Now the landowner will not allow my friend to come back and get her mobile home off the property (which is in her name and owned legally by her). The landowner is trying to claim that it is abandonment and demands that she not come on her property, and that she cannot have her mobile home back.

This HAS to be illegal- but i don't know the codes it violates. Please help.

Asked on 9/28/10, 1:23 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Yes it is illegal, but you should hire an attorney. The attorney should first write a letter to the land owner letting them know what they are doing is illegal, and properly documenting everything so if the landowner does something else wrong, he was properly and formally put on notice. If the landowner does not respond within a certain time, the attorney can make arrangements with the police department to go and pick up the trailer. Then, the landowner will have to have one story or another, and if he puts up a fuss, the police reports will document everything. If this does not work, you can bring a lawsuit. I strongly recommend hiring myself or another qualified attorney to help you with this.


Daniel Bakondi, Esq.

[email protected]


The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi, APLC

870 Market Street, Suite 1161

San Francisco CA 94102

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Answered on 10/03/10, 9:12 pm

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