Legal Question in Real Estate Law in California
My moms house is due to go to auction this Friday she passed away two years ago and I need some legal advice I don't know what my rights are . have had the most horrible three years of my life and I just need some legal advice and I can't afford to go to an attorney?
1 Answer from Attorneys
You need to act IMMEDIATELY to determine your rights. Most attorneys will give you sufficient free time to be able to determine whether you have substantial rights and whether the auction needs to be stopped or protested in order to protect those rights. Taking action after a foreclosure auction is also possible, but far more chancy and difficult. Legal aid (free) is also a possibility, but I'd recommend trying to get an immediate 30-minute free initial interview with a real-estate attorney near you, preferably tomorrow morning! An attorney would need to talk with you and look at any documents you have in order to begin to assist you in preserving your rights, which may range from full ownership of the house to nothing at all.