Legal Question in Real Estate Law in California
Private property within Federal land
What online resources do you recomend for education re: private property rights witing a national park. I believe the NPS will use intimidation as an economical means of ridding the private property owners...taking atvantage of thier ignorance of the law.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Private property within Federal land
Owners of private property within Federal lands are called "inholders." Try a google search on [inholder], [inholding], or just [private property within federal land]. There are associations of such property owners, and various ongoing lawsuits (class action and otherwise). If you have a problem related to an inholding, you may wish to retain a private attorney to pursue administrative remedies and/or a lawsuit in the federal courts. The government has many experienced lawyers on their side: based on what I have read, I would generally agree with you that the Department of the Interior would like to be rid of most inholders. So don't go it alone.
Re: Private property within Federal land
As Mr. Stone has pointed out, use a search engine. Besides Google, I found results at Yahoo Search and Ask Search.
And you are correct, in that the NPS fights inholders "tooth and nail".