Legal Question in Real Estate Law in California
how to remove some from a deed..
My father abandoned my mother approx 4 years ago. SHe has been the one person stuggling to pay the house note. She would like to seel the hosue be we have no idea where my father is and how to get in contact with him. Is there a way to get him removed from the deed so that my mother can sell the house?
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: how to remove some from a deed..
Are they married? If so, she can probably file for divorce and have the court order the sale of the home. Some money (assuming there are proceeds) might be then set aside for your father, but at least your mother can get out from under it. Look up a family law attorney in the yellow pages if you don't get a better response than this crappy one.
Re: how to remove some from a deed..
A partition action will have to be filed. Because your father may be hard to serve, a search must be made and the lawsuit could be served by publication if he cannot be served. Please call me if you have any other questions.
Re: how to remove some from a deed..
Mr. Berger's proposal is the simplest and most straight forward procedure. She could request spousal support based on his ability to earn.