Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in California

Cable guy Sexual Harrassment

Last nite the cable guy showed up at my door after 9 pm i opened the door he walk in my house and close the door and claimed he was there to get payment, he then hugged me and asked me how I was doing. I ignored that and proceed to explained the situation why we were holding back on payment and he told me no matter what i had to give him a payment, i said i have no way to give payment at the moment, so he said he wouldnt leave my house without some kind of payment or something of the matter, finnally after arguing he left, i called the cable company to complained this morning, but i dont know what else should i do, or if i should file a law sue, cause its kinda like he said, she said situation, Please tell me what should I do and what should i expected from the cable company

Asked on 9/13/06, 6:16 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: Cable guy Sexual Harrassment

What the cable guy did (unless he is your husband or boyfriend) could constitute criminal battery or even sexual battery, depending on where he put his hands. He probably has a history. Certainly, you should talk to someone at the cable company in management -- not just the clerk to whom you complain about your bill or cable service. A well-written letter also is called for.

As for his collection efforts, you should be cautious when anyone comes to the door at a late hour, and count your blessings that it wasn't anything more serious.

You might also petition the court for a restraining order against the guy if he didn't let you go or refused to leave after you told him to do so, and you fear that he might injure you if he comes back.

Good luck!

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Answered on 9/19/06, 6:28 pm
Michael Kirschbaum Law Offices of Michael R. Kirschbaum

Re: Cable guy Sexual Harrassment

For what it's worth, I'd report this guy to the local police department. They may not be able to prosecute him, for lack of evidence, but you should make a record of it, in case he does it again to some else, or possibly has done this before. It is not likely an isolated incident.

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Answered on 9/19/06, 7:30 pm

Re: Cable guy Sexual Harrassment

What has been your emotional reaction to his conduct? Do you need counselling? His conduct was beyond the bounds of civil society and if the cable company was on notice of this type of behavior then they may be hooked as well perhaps for punitive damages. Call me directly at 16192223504.

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Answered on 9/20/06, 4:29 pm

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