Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in California
Dating and Sexual Harrassement
Can you tell me about dating a person that you work with.......How do sexual harrassment laws
affect going out on dates or a series of dates with a person that you work with? This is
assuming that we are not at the workplace location.
Asked on 5/26/02, 11:47 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Michael Kirschbaum
Law Offices of Michael R. Kirschbaum
Re: Dating and Sexual Harrassement
There are no laws against co-workers dating but as a general rule it is a bad idea. Most of these relationships come to an end, someone is likely to get hurt and the dumpee is leaving themselves wide open for a sexual harassment claim, not to mention the uncomfortable work atmosphere. Be very careful.
Answered on 5/30/02, 12:07 am