Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in California
Is it ok for my employer to ask me about my sex life
I am being accused of sexual harassment. While my employer was ''fact finding'' he asked me questions reguarding my sex life. Inperticular he asked me if I have ever cheated on my husband. Can he ask me these types of questions?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Is it ok for my employer to ask me about my sex life
No. He can only inquire about any alleged incidents.
Re: Is it ok for my employer to ask me about my sex life
Absolutely not. This is a violation of your rights and could well amount to sexual harassment and discrimination. You should tell him that he cannot ask these type questions and if he does anything other than outright apologize then you should file a complaint with your HR manager. If that does not lead to a satisfactory result you should consider consulting with an attorney and filing a complaint with the Department of Fair Employment and Housing.