Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in California

I have a month-to-month lease for a house that I share with 5 college-aged roommates in California. One of the male roommates, one who I do not count as a close friend, frequently asks me rude questions about my sex life (Have you ever given someone a "hummer"? Have you and that guy f***ed yet?) and has tried to "seduce" me on several occasions. I have told him not to speak to me like this but he continues. Am I allowed to move out without giving a proper 30-days notice and without having to pay the full month's rent? I can not take this anymore! I feel unsafe in my own home. HELP!

Asked on 2/11/10, 10:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

There are a lot of solutions to this issue, the question is which do you want. You can move out and pay to the end of the 30 days and just find another place to live, if that is the notice requirement. You can have me write a scary letter to him. You can get a restraining order. It all depends on the situation.


Daniel Bakondi

[email protected]


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Answered on 2/16/10, 11:04 pm

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