Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in California
Sexual Assault by Employer Dickhead
I was sexually assaulted by my supervisor who said he had the "Hots" for me for a long time. When I refused his advances, he began to make my work environment intolerable, (ie: making me come in early, working late, working less seniority before me, designed new disciplinary program). He designed this to get rid of me after I tried to tell someone of his advances. The company that I worked for happens to own the building in which I currently live. After filing a sexual harrassment complaint, I have recieved an eviction notice. I would like to now of any remedies that I can use to stop this, and also any amounts that I could be awarded in court of law due to this personal injury? I've had to seek physciatric help, diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Please advise.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Sexual Assault by Employer Dickhead
I have just reviewed your message and it appears that you have a double claim under FEHA - for both employment and housing discrimination and harassment. If you are in Northern California I might be able to assist you. If you are elsewhere in the State, I should be able to give you a referral to a local attorney. Please feel free to call (925-827-1810 - please reference this Lawguru message) or e-mail me ( I look forward to hearing from you.
John Ferry
Law Offices of John C. Ferry
200 Gregory Lane, Suite B-2