Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in California

Hi -

My wife is the plantiff in a sexual harasment / wrongul termination case involving a casino. We are almost at trial (mid to late April 2010). My wife complained of sexual harassment by one of her supervisors to the Women in charge of human resources. The human resources women told my wife that there isn't much she can do because she herself was being harassed by the Casino manager.

Although the H.R. women settled her case with the casino out of court we were able to get a good depo from her. The problem is that the casino's lawyer has placed a protective order on that deposition. Because of this it now seems everyone that previously knew that the sexual harassement was reported suddenly never even heard of the accusation.

Although our attorneys have given everything so far their best shot I don't think they are of the same calibre as the casinos attorney. I'm concerned now that my wife will lose the case even though she is telling the truth and the they are flat out perjuring themselves. The judges wife works for a law firm that specializes in Employer related defense and has clearly given the casino the benefit of every motion brought in front of him. It almost seems like there is a payoff somewhere.

Is there any way of getting this protective order lifted or an attorney that specializes in getting evidence into trial.

Any helpful advice would be appreciated.

Asked on 3/18/10, 3:09 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Well judges can be asked to recuse themselves for reasons including possibly this one. I dont know the terms of the protective order, but it should not affect other people providing evidence, nor you using that evidence for trial.

Let me know if you need help.

Daniel Bakondi, Esq. [email protected] 415-450-0424 The Law Office of Daniel Bakondi 870 Market Street, Suite 1161 San Francisco CA 94102 San Francisco Litigation Attorney IMPORTANT NOTICE: This communication may contain confidential information, privileged information, or attorney work product. If you are not the intended recipient or received this message in error, any use or distribution of this message is strictly prohibited and unlawful. Please notify the sender immediately, and delete this message. No attorney-client nor confidential relationship is created through this communication. Nothing communicated or provided constitutes legal advice nor a legal opinion unless it so specifies and written agreement for attorney services has been entered into. Your issue may be time sensitive and may result in loss of rights if you do not act in time. Thank you.

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Answered on 3/25/10, 9:59 am

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