Legal Question in Sexual Harassment in California
Wrong Accusations
Last week some of oure banquet associates acused me and my partner also assistant banquet manager that we loking at pictures of naked womens on banquet office PC.We been called to HR office and been almost pushed to addmit somthing we never did. Shortly after one of my associate aproach me and told that the accusor want her to false testify against us. The same individual accused two managers in the past and suceed in 3 years frame.Shortly after this I open my eyes around me, and I notice things like all kinde of fashion magazine subscribe by the hotel and been placed in every office and even employee cafeteria. Those magazines are containing all kind of nudity. In the main kitchen a swim suit edition calendar hanging on the wall. I took my digital camera and document all the evidence also I recorded my interogation in the HR office. Now im going to contact those two managers who been discharge in the pass and find out why is the same person giving so much power by the HR and in many ocassions the same person remarks that he is the one who can fire any body. His position is a leadhouseman.
Please give me some advice whay to do. Right now Im collecting evidence to support me.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Wrong Accusations
If the employer is enforcing a policy against you while ignoring the same or similar violations by other employees or management you may have a claim if you are terminated. Keep gathering your evidence and seek out a qualified attorney in your area for specific advice.