Legal Question in Traffic Law in California
Consequences for driving on permit
I am 17 years old and have been pulled over twice driving on only my driving permit with no licensed driver in the car like I am supposed to have, the first time I was let go but charged and the second time the car was impounded for a day (initial reason for both pullovers was expired registration). I have had one court date that I have missed so have a failure to appear that can be cleared up in juvenile drop in court and I havent recieved the other fine in the mail but will clear it up there. My question is when I go to drop in court will we just be discussing the fine amount or will I not be allowed to get a drivers license for a long time? Also what are other possible consequences I could face?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Consequences for driving on permit
Welcome to adulthood. There are laws, and you have to obey them. Since you have at such a tender age managed to amass two citations for driving without a license and a warrant for failure to appear, the court will see you as a scofflaw and treat you accordingly.
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