Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in California

my housband and i live in mexico, his grandmother die & left him money...after that someone tried to get a tird of his money, helping him with the whole thing,but because he didn't have all the papers they needed,the attourney, or the person who was in chage, sent him a letter telling him that they would not keep doing it,because he didn;t cooperated,so he looked someone else who did all the the other ones sent him several letters telling him that he needed to sign something housband didn't do it, he is going to get his money, and he things the other people is going to sue him on court. he doesn't know how to find out on the news paper about it...he is worried that if they never send him the information, and he doesn't know what is going on,he migh lose,how can he find out if they want him on court?

Asked on 3/28/11, 4:24 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Kurt Seidler Law Offices of Kurt A. Seidler APC

He can try to see the court file online. Many counties in California have access to their files over the Internet.

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Answered on 3/28/11, 10:24 pm

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