Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in California
If mother dies and doesn't leave a will. How do her children get control of her finances to take care of her unpaid bills?
Asked on 4/04/13, 3:06 pm
3 Answers from Attorneys
Scott Jordan
Jordan Law Office
Depending on the size of the estate and the items left in the estate, the children will probably need to file probate to obtain control and access to their mother's estate.
Answered on 4/04/13, 3:08 pm
The probate process will appoint an administrator (or administrators) to manage the estate for the intestate heirs who is sounds like are the deceased's children.
Answered on 4/04/13, 3:19 pm
Thomas Reid
The Law Office of Thomas D. Reid, APC
I would agree with Mr. Jordan. Depending on the estate, a opening probate may be necessary. If the estate is rather small, it may be possible to do so with an affidavit. Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.
Answered on 4/04/13, 4:01 pm