Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in California
Need help to track down a copy of a living trust
My father died 2 mos ago. He lived in Oxnard Ca. We were informed by phone that we
are in the living trust. My-half sister refuses to send me a copy of the trust and keeps
giving us conflicting information. She states the Ca Federal bank is holding up our money
from what was a c.d. and is now an annuity. We need to get a copy of the living trust
which she claims is not on file anywhere. He had a house, car, bank accounts, annuities
or c.d.'s. How can we get a copy of the living trust. Please help. Thank you
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Need help to track down living trust
If you know who the trustee is, contact that person (or institution) and ask for a copy. If your half-sister is the trustee, or the trustee is uncooperative, hire an attorney. Sometimes a carefully drafted letter on legal firm letterhead results in someone cooperating. If that doesn't work, then file an action in probate court (Ventura County) for an accounting.