Legal Question in Workers Comp in California
do i have case
i'm a security officer working for a private security company, y was asigne at warehouse for fire wach services, on the warehouse estar to receiving merchandise and estack, i made my firwach and at this time 2 palets foling over my back, the warehouse personal was palet this pales in rown maner, for this reazon the pales faling over mi.
Do i have the rigt to make legal persecution to the warehouse company, bicause california state law say. the company have to provide to alls emploeyees with the higts estardars of safety in the work.
this accident was for negligence of the warehouse employees, not of my securty company.
please can you anwers my cuestion
thank you for attention
--name removed--
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: do i have case
You may have a civil case against the warehouse and a worker's compensation claim for your injuries on the job. Both may be maintained simultaneously. the civil suit allows for pain and suffering,therefore, you should pursue both. The worker's compensation system is very adversial. The insurance companies will get away with anything they can. They will pay you the minimum on your claim unless you obtain representation to protect your interests. The worker's compensation insurance companies have attorneys, why don't you? Attorney fees are limited by law to 9% to 12% of the final settlement or award. Call me directly at (619) 222-3504.