Legal Question in Workers Comp in California

Hipa Law

I injured my rt foot at work. It was not a major injury. Something fell on the top of it and broke a blood vessel causing it to fill with blood( very swollen). I recieved a form from the company that the school distrist that I work for uses for workers comp claims. It asks me to list all medical records for the past five years. Family doctor, any other doctors,chiropractors, hospitals and clinics and address,phone number and body parts. It also asks for access to any information on phychiatric treatment, drug and alcohol abuserecords, HIV lab test results and genetic and fertility records. How can this be leagal? I bruised the top of my right foot! Do I have to sign this? Can my claim be denied if I do not sign it? This does not sound legal! I appreciated your time and responce. Donna Kirtley

Asked on 6/19/09, 11:49 am

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Hipa Law

I recommend not to sign the release forms and not to give any statement. You will be much better off to be represented by an attorney in a deposition setting when you are adequately prepared for the deposition. Feel free to call us at 213.388.7070 for a free consultation.

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Answered on 6/22/09, 3:41 pm

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