Legal Question in Workers Comp in California
i got hit by a car at work in feb. I told the store manager and he laughed and walked away. need less to say I went to the er later that nite and found I had a piece of my navicular bone broken off. I just had surgery on 7-14. I since have been fired from my job. and work comp is only paying me 148 a week and I can not afford to pay my bills. I have a lawyer but I want to know if I should be getting a settle ment. Workers comp sent me to three diff doctors the first doc was only giving my pain meds and the next doctor said surgery and the third doc did the surgery. I dont know what do do now I'm going to loose my house cause I dont have money to pay my rent or bills.
1 Answer from Attorneys
The WC carrier is not going to be interested in discussing settlement until your condition has reached a level of maximum improvement so that you can then be sent to a physician for a disability rating, because if an injury is accepted as work related the only benefits in general that are settled by a compromise agreement are permanent disability and the need for future medical treatment. Tell your attorney of your need and ask that you get rated ASAP. Speak to your landlord and tell them what the situation is and see if some temporary decrease in monthly payments can be arranged.
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