Legal Question in Workers Comp in California

I have a workmans comp case. I was offerred a settlement. I want to check or discuss if the offerred settlement is fair or not

Asked on 9/07/12, 9:55 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Nancy Wallace Nancy Wallace Atty at Law

Then you should contact CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS in Workers Compensation law.

A certified specialist attorney took an extra bar exam only in workers comp laws, then must keep up with continuing education, so they know the new laws and rating rules.

You are asking for a lot more than a 15 minute phone consultation.

You are asking for at attorney to review the competing medical opinions, the past insurance payments for penalties, whether you returned to you pre-injury job or not, whether you'll need extensive future medical treatment --- all FOR FREE.

I can tell you what a report would 'rate' at a trial, but that doesn't answer whether the offer is fair.

If it's the first offer of an insurance adjuster, it's probably not fair, it's probably the very lowest number she hopes she can sneak by a judge as 'adequate' (adequate isn't fair, its just the bare minimum) without any court appearances.

Call around to los angeles workers compensation attorneys and see if any will give you the value of your medical reports (there should be one for the insurer, and another for you) for free...

...if not you'd be wise to hire a certified specialist attorney who will agree to take the claim for just the minimum 12% instead of the typical 15%.

email me at [email protected] if you have trouble finding help .... you're a bit far from me and I hate trekking into los angeles, but I might be able to help you by email.

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Answered on 9/07/12, 2:27 pm

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