Legal Question in Family Law in Canada
Im Stuck, need help delaing with a coming child, plz help me
My ex-girlfriend is pregnant. I want an abortion but she doesnt know what she wants. She is leaning towards keeping the child. What would happen if i did not want anything to do with this child, if she decided to keep it? as of right now i dont even know if its mine. But what legal actions could she take towards me if i want nothing to do with this child (i am going to univeristy, this is not something i would be able to handle financially or mentally)? I virtually know nothing about this, so if you could please give me some information, i would greatly appreciate it. Are there any financial actions i would have to take if it were mine?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Im Stuck, need help delaing with a coming child, plz help me
As noted on th website, answers are specific to British Columbia. As the law differs from Province to Province, readers are cautioned that the answer in Provinces or Territories other than B.C. might be very different. It is completely immaterial if you want nothing to do with the child; if you are the father, you have obligations and can be compelled to honour them. The principal obligation is to support the child in accordance with the Child Support Guidelines, which determine the amount of child support you are required to pay dependant on your income. You have no lawful input on whether or not your former girlfriend has an abortion or not, and her decision is final. If you believe that the child may not be your child, then as soon as you are requested to pay child support, you should ask for a DNA examination to determine paternity. It will prove the issue one way or the other. If you acknowledge the child as yours, before or after birth, you may be held to that acknowledgment. There is a great deal more advice you require; the foregoing is just a partial overview. Please consult a family law lawyer immediately. The Lawyer Referal Service of the B.C. Branch of the Canadian Bar Association will refer you to a lawyer who will provide a half-hour consultation for $25.00 Their toll-free number is found under "Lawyers" and "Directory of Public Legal Services" in most B.C. phone books.