Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Colorado
privacy rights
A girlfreind that I had for approximately 1 year, had purchased several gifts for me. While I was away, she came to my home, where she never lived, escorted by local city police to retreive these gifts, and more! When I returned home my 18 year old son stated that she was here with several people and took various items from the house. I called the police and had them return to tell me why they escorted her here and why the let her take things while I was not present. They said that she had some receipts for my gifts, but could not produce a list of was taken! I'm still finding new items missing that were mine from the past. My son told them that he did not know what was hers or mine, but they still let her go in and take whatever she wanted. They could not watch what all was being taken, there were too many people to keep up with.
Can I sue the city for escorting her and standing by while she took various items without me being present?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: privacy rights
If you're not leaving out some information -- such as that there is a restraining order involved, that the police escorted her because of that or some other police-involved disputes the two of you had, or that your son consented to her entering the home, without a warrant -- you likely do have cause for a lawsuit.
Good luck.
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