Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Colorado

Privately owned Business

Is the owner of the local convienence store obligated to allow persons getting signatures on a political petitionto stand in front of their store and approach customers?

Asked on 7/17/07, 1:22 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: Privately owned Business

Unless there is some public element to your store -- such as that it is located on or in a public mall -- you do not have to grant permission to signature gatherers. This general rule may be affected by a local ordinance. Your best bet is probably just to say no to a request, if that's your preference, or ask the people to leave if they have not asked your permission. If they won't leave, call the police and see what happens: they will likely, though not necessarily, know the local rule.

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Answered on 7/17/07, 5:05 pm

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