Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Colorado

Video camera in lake

My neighbors have placed a video camera in the lake to film us when we jett ski & have gatherings.(They live accross the lake)We are the only ones with recreational rights. Last year she called the police on us all the time but there was never any problems & the police have had it with her. She wants us off the lake, has threatned us & the City. Can we stop her from video taping us? She was made aware of my rights when she purchased the house but will not stop trying to get my rights taken away. (it is even written in the HOA about my rights)Can I go after her for invasion of privacy & harrasment?

Asked on 7/03/07, 12:32 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: Video camera in lake

If the video camera is on her property, she has the right to film whatever she might see from that vantage point.

If it is on the lake, or in it, it may be a hazard to recreation, particularly if your jet ski may collide with it. You could get a court order requiring her to remove it; her insurance company can't be thrilled about it.

Alternatively, you might just make friends and give her a free ride on the jet ski. How deep did you say the lake is?

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Answered on 7/04/07, 3:58 pm

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