Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

Since 2009 I have been harassed and threatened by a neighbor. He violated the restraining order once and was arrested. The restraining order has expired and it has all started again. From standing on his property he was yelling through my open window that he was going to beat me and get me. He kept yelling �I see you, I have night vision.� It went on for 10 minutes and I got it on video. After years of dealing with this I just snapped, I ran over to his property and assaulted him. I am a 45 year old woman and he is a 27 year old man. I was ticketed for disorderly conduct. I don�t know why his actions don�t fall under the Colorado stocking laws. Could I go to jail because of this?

Asked on 8/24/12, 9:28 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Damon Cassens Waters, Kubik, and Cassens

If convicted, yes.

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Answered on 8/24/12, 9:32 am
Clifton Black Law Offices of Clifton Black

Regardless of how obnoxious this guy is, you do not have a right to assault him. The prosecutor may be concerned that your actions could have resulted in grave consequences for you, this neighbor, or a third party.

You should have called the police and showed them the video. In all likelihood they would have charged him instead, and actually they still could. Also, you might be able to get another restraining order against him, but your actions have not helped that cause.

The unfortunate situation is that you live next to each other and will likely have future contact or at least see each other. If you two can come to some resolution to the issues, you can then work towards disposing of the case.

Mr. Cassens, who is a well respected attorney, cut right to the chase and answered your question correctly � you could get jail time. I would add that there are many variables in any case that can have an impact of whether a person will get jail time or not.

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Answered on 8/24/12, 9:59 am

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