Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

16 yr.old boy kidnapped beat on back throwen out of car

My grandson had this done the D.A. investagator told him if he was older they would get him for having sex with 12 yr. old he never did and they have family that are high up in town,we are just hard working folks,he went to hospital with dislocated arm and welts on back,my son has three boys makes 8.20 a hr why wont the d.a. call us,I pray for this lady but things are never fair. thank you for reading this

Asked on 5/31/07, 3:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: 16 yr.old boy kidnapped beat on back throwen out of car

I don't think you are asking the right group, but I'll ask anyway: what is the boy charged with? how old is he? If the boy is being treated as the victim, your Q should go to the DDA.

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Answered on 6/01/07, 4:02 pm

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