Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

need help and answers

My oldest son got in a fight with some other kids after the fight the other kids went home told parents,father and friends and daughter got in a car went looking for my son and his brother and a friend all minors. found them and swerved the car in front of them and jumped out and beat my oldest son up real bad alot of bruises and bumps beat his friend up, my oldest son was yelling Iam sorry over and over before he knocked out.My youngest son had a pocket knife astabbed one of the men before he was beaten up the men were going from one child to another. my youngest son got up and ran just before cops arrived.the boys tried to run away before they were attcked the first time thats why the car cut them off .my youngest son was afraid they were killing his brother when he first tried to runaway because brother was knocked out.the man stabbed had to go in for surgery and arttery was cut in arm,and is fine now.but the man that was stabbedwas still fighting after being stabbed.I have a court appointed attorney but not sure what to not of my attorneys abillityand keeps missing my appointment I know they are busy. Should I try to hire a Lawery? haveing financial problems. Class 3 felony charged on my son.need help on what to do why charge

Asked on 2/03/07, 11:08 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: need help and answers

You don't say how old anyone is, but if your son is under 18 you need to insist on a meeting with your court-appointed attorney to discuss what sounds like a theory of self-defense. If attorney refuses to meet, complain to the court.

You are certainly entitled to fire your attorney (if it is truly your attorney, and not your son's), and hire a different lawyer. But if it is your attorney, and court-appointed, you must be hard-pressed to hire anyone. You may at least want to find out what the current attorney's plans are, if any.

Good luck.

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Answered on 2/03/07, 2:46 pm

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