Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

Please help , I am charged with auto theft and desperatly need advice.

2 months ago,borrowed from my friend Dave his truck for a few days this was with his permission and he handed me the keys.I returned the truck and thanked him for the help.1 week later,again borrowed and returned fine as the first.(I was installing elect/security @ retail store nearby and needed room for tools, wire.)borrowing truck a third time Asked if he would sell truck & he said he would check with his wife and let me know. In the mean time he handed me the keys and insurance card just like before

The next day I learn that I am needed out of state and so organize a drive to Tenn.Dave agrees to sell truck but he was out of town.we agree to do the sale when we both return. he does not tell his wife any of this ,only that i went for a test drive and would return.

She calls in stolen vehicle and he is backing her for his own reasons (she wears the pants and he has to live w/her).when I returned I slept immeadiatly then when I awoke Dave and his wife are in my drive and have called police. The Dept. that she called in vehicle was different than I reside. police took statements and told me that they would rather call it all misunderstanding but hands tied. I have met w/DA and he didnt care to hear anything I said .what do I do?

Asked on 10/23/06, 11:40 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Jason Savela The Savela Law Firm, PC

Re: Please help , I am charged with auto theft and desperatly need advice.

Hire an attorney and prepare for trial. The DA will likely back down prior to trial. You should not talk with anyone except your attorney concerning the facts.

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Answered on 10/23/06, 12:55 pm

Re: Please help , I am charged with auto theft and desperatly need advice.

Have you been charged? If so, hire an attorney. Get this prepared for trial, get him subpoenaed. He way have changed his story for his wife, but lying under oath is different.

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Answered on 10/23/06, 1:55 pm

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