Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

How to get a continueance on my court date.


I have a court date on April 9th, which is this wednesday. At first I thought I could handle this on my own. But I am being told I should have an attorney present with me. Is is too late for me to aquire one or would I be able to get a continueance on my case. Thank you for any information you can provide me.

Asked on 4/07/08, 12:14 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Marc Milavitz The Alternative Law Office of Marc Milavitz

Re: How to get a continueance on my court date.

You need to show up at court and expelain the situation to the judge. Most judges will give you the opportunity to get an attorney, as things usaully procede smoother when a defendant is represented by an attorney. I would also be prepared to show the judges that you have amde a good faith effort to find one. Good luck.

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Answered on 4/07/08, 12:31 pm

Re: How to get a continueance on my court date.

No, it's not too late. You can always hire counsel for alot of money at the last minute. Realistically, go to the court date, tell the judge that you are trying to hire counsel or get approved for the public defender, but that you need more time. It's important that you can say that you are trying and for that to be truthful. Really try. Go to the PuD's office, call attorney offices. It's before 3pm on 4/8/08, so get going.

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Answered on 4/08/08, 4:50 pm

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