Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

Criminal Extortion In Colorado

I'm active duty military and my childs mother is making all kinds of slanderous accusations towards me saying they are going to call my command if I go for custody for my child. I can prove this from e-mails. Is this criminal extortion? The police here doesn't want to deal with it and won't give me an answer.

Thank you for your time in this matter.

Asked on 3/12/07, 2:51 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: Criminal Extortion In Colorado

It probably does fall under the criminal extortion statute (18-3-207 Colorado Revised Statutes), if the accusations are untrue.

The statute itself, however, has come under attack for being unconstitutionally overbroad, criminalizing both protected and unprotected speech, which may be why police are reluctant to assert a charge.

You might consider going to your command first, saying what lies this bitch from hell is threatening to tell them to take your child from you, and asking for their help and protection.

That would defuse her threat, and my experience is that, if you're worth a damn as a soldier, the military closes ranks around its own. You may also ask legal assistance by military counsel.

Good luck.

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Answered on 3/13/07, 1:38 am

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