Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

i need to find out if criminal mischief is automatically considered domestic violence, and if on a FBI rap sheet, if there is a charge that says domestic violence and has been dismissed, but the charge i was convicted of doesnt say domestic violence, if it is still a domestic violence, all charges were at the same time, but on the FBI rap sheet, the 2 charges i was convicted of say it is not a domestic violence, it just says the disposition of 24 months on probation, nothing about domestic violence, this is from the FBI, and i am trying to join the Army, is it possible if the definition of the charges were like that on the rap sheet

Asked on 5/20/10, 6:35 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Ciminal mischief is not automatically a charge of domestic violence. Also, some offenses which meet the state definition of domestic violence do not meet the federal definition. You are talking about state or municipal charges being interpreted by federal entities. You need to show that the offenses are NOT domesitic violence. Get someone to evaluate the charges and get the Army to believe that evaluation.

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Answered on 5/26/10, 11:54 am

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