Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado


recieved 2 year deferred sentence, anger management classes. They said it was alcohal related. I am wondering if when I go for sentencing, will I get community service also? Will I be required not to drink at all through the 2 years?

Asked on 7/12/07, 2:14 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: Harassment

If you received a two-year deferred, you've already been sentenced. If the deferred is offered as a plea bargain, look at the conditions on your copy before sentencing. It is very likely there will be community service. You may also be ordered not to drink.

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Answered on 7/12/07, 3:07 pm

Re: Harassment

The probation/deferred Order you received when you were given the defferred should state whether "no alcohol" or UPS (community service)were included in the order. You'll need to comply with order. We can always attempt to modify the order. Read the whole order very carefully. You may need to do more in order to comply.

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Answered on 7/12/07, 4:58 pm

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