Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

Help me get my life back!!!

I was charged with driving under restraint in a small town in colorado almost ten years ago and have been trying forever it seems to get things cleared up. I had a lawyer at the time of the violation, but had moved out of state before ever going to trial. Time slipped by and I never got the situation resolved. I have been trying to talk with the DA about my case but he refuses and says he can not do anything due do some thing about my lawyer. I have tried contacting the lawyer I used but he has been disbarred. How can I get him off of my case so I can move forward in life? Help Please!!

Asked on 10/23/06, 10:03 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys


Re: Help me get my life back!!!

You can enter a substitution of counsel, citing the supreme court case where your last lawyer was disiplined.

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Answered on 10/23/06, 10:23 pm

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