Legal Question in Criminal Law in Colorado

midomeanor sex assult

if an girl you meet for the first time tells you she is 18 years old and she approched you and yall have sex ,and later you find out she is 15 years old can you be chared for an crime,and if she has alcohol and was charded with underage posesition and you never brought the alcohole,can you be charged with ,contrubuting alcohol to an minor

Asked on 4/27/07, 4:26 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Philip Rosmarin Rosmarin Law Firm

Re: midomeanor sex assult

You can be charged with both. But on the statutory rape charge, you have a defense if you reasonably believed the girl was 18. If you are under 25, it is not statutory rape at all. I believe you also have a defense to the contributing charge if you did not actively encourage her to drink, assuming you have no supervisory relationship to the girl. You have no affirmative duty to stop her from drinking.

For example, if the reason you met her for the first time is that you are a camp counselor and she reported to camp, you're guilty. If you met her for the first time in the park, you're okay.

Good luck.

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Answered on 4/27/07, 9:05 pm
Jason Savela The Savela Law Firm, PC

Re: midomeanor sex assult

yes, there are lots of problems with this. The good news is that she is at least 15, if not you have limited defenses other than she is lying. Over 15, you can defend with reasonably thought she was 18.

Your age is important. As well as your position of trust to her. If you are a coach, teacher, priest, babysitter, then we are looking at a very serious felony.

The alcohol is another issue. Yes, contributing to the delinquency of a minor is a felony that is possible depending on various factors.

Best if no one finds out, and you stop seeing her immediately.

By the way, sex statutes vary greatly by state, so beware. My statements are only for Colorado.

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Answered on 4/27/07, 1:47 pm

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